
Chip-Gr8 is distributed through pip! To install run

pip install chipgr8

Currently Chip-Gr8 only supports python 3.6 and 3.7. We provide binaries for Chip-Gr8's backend for Windows users with the following configurations: Python36 (32 and 64 bit) and Python37 (32 and 64 bit). For Mac and Linux users pip install should build the backend binaries using your system's compiler.

For additional documentation see the Chip-Gr8 Reference Manual.

Writing Your First Agent

This example will help you write your first AI agent. An AI agent performs two key tasks, observations and actions. To get started import the Chip-Gr8 API, and a game object. The game objects provide useful defaults for observations, actions, as well as the correct ROM name. For this example we will use the game Squash. Squash is a single player Pong. We will also import random for later.

import random
import chipgr8
from chipgr8.games import Squash

AI agents are trained and run in loops. This is typically done with a while loop where you wait for a CHIP-8 VM instance to be done. For our first agent let's just pick a random action. In order to run this agent we will need to create a VM instance to run it on and load the Squash ROM.

vm = chipgr8.init(ROM=Squash.ROM)

By default the API returns a VM appropriate for running a single AI. We will now create a loop where we repeatedly choose a random action. Squash.actions provides a list of all the valid Squash game actions. We also need to indicate when the VM instance should be considered done. The Squash object also provides this in its set of observations, so we will observe the VM and check to see if the VM is done.

while not vm.done():
    observations = Squash.observe(vm)

Our AI will now run, but we will not be able to see it perform any of its actions. We can watch a replay using the .inputHistory of our VM. The .go() method will loop the VM instance for us.

vms = chipgr8.init(ROM=Squash.ROM, instances=100)

We can now iterate over the vms and run each one like we did before.


Our AI is not very good, but we can easily make it better just by running multiple random AI agents and picking the best one. Let’s start by creating 100 VM instances.

while not vms.done():
    for vm in vms:
        observations = Squash.observe(vm)

This approach is a little slow though since we have to run every VM instance as part of the same process. We can take advantage of a machine's multiple cores by using the VMs .inParallel() method. This method requires us to refactor our code a little bit. This method expects a function which will be called repeatedly until the vm instance is done. We can do this by taking our inner section of the loop and turning it into a function.

def action(vm):
    observations = Squash.observe(vm)


We can now just pick the best vm of the bunch. The Squash object thankfully has another observation that can help us: score. We can use the VMs .maxBy() function to get the best VM.

best = vms.maxBy(lambda vm : Squash.observe(vm).score)

We can now watch this VM like we did before using its inputHistory. Congratulations on writing your first Chip-Gr8 AI agent! You can find the final code altogether below.

import random
import chipgr8
from chipgr8.games import Squash

# This action is performed repeatedly until the VM is done
def action(vm):
    observations = Squash.observe(vm)

# Create 100 CHIP-8 VM instances
vms = chipgr8.init(ROM=Squash.ROM, instances=100)
# Run all our random agents
# Pick the best one
best = vms.maxBy(lambda vm : Squash.observe(vm).score)

# Show a replay of the best

Querying Memory

In order to support more games, or find additional values from CHIP-8 RAM for games already included with Chip-Gr8, components are provided for querying memory. These components are meant to be used in a workflow like the following:

  1. Start the Chip-Gr8 display with the ROM you want to query.
  2. Put the VM into a state you understand.
  3. Create a Query object and use a predicate to limit the number of matching memory addresses.
  4. Change the VM to a new state and use a new predicate to further filter the results.
  5. Repeat step 4 until there is only a single address that matches.
  6. Copy the Query out to a file.

Several steps are made easier by the fact that Query and Observer objects will print their own source code in the REPL. You can easily write these to a file using the write function.


Queries provide several predicates to limit matched memory addresses, like .eq(), .dec(), .lte(), etc. A list of all memory addresses, along with their previously queried values can be found using the .previous field. For example:

q = Query(vm)

You can instantiate a finished Query by providing an address instead of a VM instance. For example, to create a query that looks at address 0x200:

q = Query(0x200)

This Query can now be used to retrieve the value in CHIP-8 RAM at 0x200 of any VM instance with:



Queries can be combined using an Observer. An Observer is just a collection of queries and functions that provides one method, observe, which applies all these queries and functions to a provided VM instance and returns the result as a NamedList. A NamedList is a data structure that behaves like a Python list, but can be accessed by attributes and keys. For example, to create a list of one element, y, with a key, key

myNamedList = NamedList(['key'], [7])

# To access the element you can use the following ways:
myNameList[0]     # By index
myNameList.key    # By attribute
myNameList['key'] # By key

To add queries to an Observer you can call .addQuery(). This method also accepts as the query a function that takes two arguments. The first argument is a collection of all non-function observations. The second is the VM instance. This allows you to create combinational queries. For example

o = Observer()
o.addQuery('lives', Query(0x115))
o.addQuery('done',  lambda o, vm : o.lives == 0)


Games provide actions, observations, and a ROM all in one package. Several games are provided out of the box, but you can also create your own game objects for ROMs not included with Chip-Gr8.

API Reference



Default key bindings for the Chip-Gr8 display as a Python dictionary.


A Python dictionary of the builtin Chip-Gr8 themes.


assemble(source=None, inPath=None, outPath=None)

Converts assembly source code, or source code contained in inPath into binary data (a ROM). This ROM may optionally be written to file with the outPath argument.


Converts a binary ROM into an assembly source file. Returns the source. Provides option for disassembling with labels and special format.


The binary ROM to disassemble as a set of bytes. Optional if inPath is provided.


The path to a binary ROM to disassemble. Optional if buffer is provided.


If the path is provided, the source code is written to that file.


A dictionary used to generate labels. If None is passed, labels will not be generated in the source.


If True, instruction numerical operands will be output in decimal rather than hexadecimal.


A format string for lines of source code. Can contain the following variables label, labelSep, prefix, instruction, addr, and dump. For example for hexdump with address use:

srcFormat='{addr} {dump}'
labelSep = '\n '

The string used to separate labels from instructions.

prefix=' '

The string used to prefix all instructions.


A table that will have addresses as keys and instructions as values.


Returns the path to rom if it is one of the included ROMs.

hexdump(buffer=None, inPath=None, outPath=None)

Dumps a buffer or file at inPath as a set of 16-bit hexadecimal values on each line (the number of bits that correspond to a CHIP-8 instruction). Writes the data to outPath if provided.


Returns an instance of Chip8VM or Chip8VMs. Used to configure the virtual machines for a user or a given AI agent.



If provided will load a ROM into the VM instance or instances.


The starting frequency of the VM instance or instances. Will automatically be set to the closest multiple of 60 less than or equal to the provided frequency.


A path or tag to a VM save state that will be loaded into each VM instance or instances.


If provided user and AI input will be ignored and the history will be used to reproduce the same events.


The number of steps that are performed when an AI calls act.


The number of VM instances to create.


If True, the VM will create a Chip-Gr8 display. Cannot be True if instances does not equal 1.


If True, enables the experimental smooth rendering mode. This mode is slow on most machines.


If True, the VM instance will start paused.


The keys usable to the AI agent as a bitmask. The keys available to the user are the bitwise inverse of this mask.

foreground=(255, 255, 255)

The foreground color of the Chip-Gr8 display as an RGB tuple or hex code.

background=(0, 0, 0)

The background color of the Chip-Gr8 display as an RGB tuple or hex code.


The foreground/background color provided as a tuple.


If True, this disassembly source will automatically scroll when the Chip-Gr8 display is open and a ROM is running.


The speed at which the UI is tied to the CHIP-8 frequency. When speed is 1, games will appear to run at the provided frequency, but when speed is 2, games will appear to run twice as fast. Must be provided as an integer.

readableInputHistory(inputHistory, names)

Given an inputHistory and a set of actions, names, as a NamedList, produces a human readable version of the inputHistory.

Chip8VM (Class)

Represents a CHIP-8 virtual machine. Provides interface and controls for display and input. Rather than initializing directly, an instance of this class or its sister class Chip8VMs should always be instantiated using init.


A number that controls what keys are usable by AI agents calling act and what keys are usable by a user on their keyboard. For example, an aiInputMask of 0x0000 will prevent an AI agent from using any keys, but a user will be able to use all keys.


A list of number pairs that represent changes in key presses. The first value in the pair is the key value, the second is the clock value when input changed to that value.


A control flag set to True if the display is paused.


The pygame clock used to keep track of time between steps when using the Chip-Gr8 display.


A control flag set to True if inputHistory is being recorded.


The path to the currently loaded game ROM.


The number of steps that are performed when an AI calls act.


A control flag for the experimental smooth rendering mode. This mode is slow on most machines.


A direct reference to the CHIP-8 C-struct. This provides direct memory access (eg. VM.RAM[0x200]) as well as register reference (eg. VM.PC). Use these fields with caution as inappropriate usage can result in a segmentation fault. Direct references to VM should not be maintained (no aliasing).


Add a breakpoint at addr. When the VM steps to this address (when PC is equal to addr) the Chip-Gr8 display will automatically pause.


Remove a breakpoint at addr.


Toggles a breakpoint at addr.


Clear all current breakpoints.


Allows an AI agent to perform action (action is an input key value) and steps the CHIP-8 emulator forward sampleRate clock cycles.


Returns an instance of the CHIP-8’s VRAM in a NumPy compliant format (Lazyarray). Pixel values can be addressed directly. (eg. a pixel at position (16, 8) can be retrieved with ctx()[16, 8]). This method is safe to call repeatedly.


Returns True if the VM is done and has NOT been reset.


Signals to the VM that it is done.


Starts the VM in an until done() loop, calling act(0) repeatedly. This is ideal for user interaction without an AI agent.


Send an input key value to the CHIP-8 emulator. Input keys are masked by aiInputMask.

.loadROM(nameOrPath, reset=True)

Loads a ROM from the provided path or searches for the name in the set of provided ROM files. If reset is True then VM will be reset prior to loading the ROM.

.loadState(path=None, tag=None)

Load a CHIP-8 emulator state from a path or by associated tag, restoring a previous state of VM.

.saveState(path=None, tag=None)

Save the current CHIP-8 emulator state to a path or tag.


Reset the VM with the current ROM still loaded.


Step the VM forward 1 clock cycle.

Chip8VMs (Class)

Represents a collection of CHIP-8 virtual machines. Provides an interface for dealing with and filtering several virtual machines at the same time. This class is iterable, and will iterate over all vms that are NOT done().


Returns True if all VM instances are done.


Find a specific VM using a function predicate that takes a VM as an argument and returns True or False. Returns the first VM for which the predicate was True. Searches done and not done VMs.


Performs a function do on all not done VMs in parallel. The function is expected to take the VM as an argument. When using this method external vm references can become out of date due to pickling across processes.


Returns the VM with the maximum value by the given projection, a function that takes a VM as its argument and returns a comparable value.


Returns the VM with the minimum value by the given projection, a function that takes a VM as its argument and returns a comparable value.


Resets all the VMs.

Game (Class)

A generic class for game specific data. Game specific instances of this class exist for each included ROM (Cave, Pong, Worm, etc.).


A list of valid actions (key values) for the given game.


The name of the ROM file for this game.


Returns a set of game specific observations given a VM.

NamedList (Class)

A list-like structure that allows elements to be accessed by named properties. Behaves like a Python list, can be iterated, indexed, spliced, and measured with len().


A list of keys for the list in order.


A list of values for the list in order.

.append(name, value)

Append a name and value to the list.


Retrieve the values of the list as a NumPy ndarray.


Retrieve the values of the list as a TensorFlow tensor.

Observer (Class)

Represents a collection of queries that can be applied to a VM acquiring a set of observations.

.addQuery(name, query)

Add a query with an associated name to an observer. Accepts either a finalized query or a function that accepts a set of observations (NamedList) as the first argument and a vm instance as its second argument. This function argument can be used to create compound queries.


Retrieve a set of observations as a NamedList given a vm instance.

Query (Class)

Used to find a specific memory address. When using a query to search for a memory address, several predicates can be used to filter the query.


True if the query has found 0 or 1 addresses.


True if the query has found 1 address.


Filter queried memory addresses by values that have decreased since the last query.


Filter queried memory addresses by values that equal value.


Filter queried memory addresses by values that are greater than value.


Filter queried memory addresses by values that are greater than or equal to value.


Filter queried memory addresses by values that have increased since the last query.


Filter queried memory addresses by values that are less than value.


Filter queried memory addresses by values that are less than or equal to value.


If a query is finished this method returns the value at the VM instance's RAM corresponding to this query, otherwise it raises an Excception.


Refresh the previous values of all currently queried memory addresses.